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The Golden Ratio

Joy in Motion.jpg
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Joy in Motion I, II & III. Acrylic on canvas, (30cm x 30cm)


These works are based on the 'golden mean' (or 'divine proportion', which I have used to divide up the spaces on each canvas. 

Joy in Motion pic.jpg

I remember doing geometry on my Technical Drawing A Level at school and in recent years I have been intrigued by sacred geometry and its influence in nature and the cosmos.

Golden Ratio - MEtamorphosis II.3.jpg

The Golden Ratio: Metamorphosis II. Acrylic on canvas, (100cm x 100cm)

The Golden Ratio: Metamorphosis II & The Golden Ratio: Metamorphosis. Acrylic on canvas, 100cm x 100cm & 150cm x 100cm

Golden Mean - Flowers - Richard K Potter.jpg

The Golden Mean. Acrylic on canvas, (100cm x 150cm)

Golden Mean - Late Junction - - SLR.jpg

Golden Mean: Late Junction. Acrylic on canvas, (60cm x 60cm)

Rock and Ore - Phlegethon 5 - RKP.jpg
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